I had a dream last night... It wasn't really the best dream but I wanted to document it. I had a dream that one day when I was 36 weeks pregnant (during this pregnancy), I didn't feel the baby move very much. So I went to the ER at the hospital and I was preparing myself for them to tell me they couldn't find a heartbeat. I was crying, and then they told me that the baby's heart was beating but was very faint. I cried a lot of tears of relief when they told me that. Then they said I needed an emergency C-Section immediately. They got me prepped and the doctor on call (a stranger) did my C-Section and delivered my baby. I hadn't known if it were a girl or boy at this point and it was a little boy. He had plenty of blonde hair and was tiny, but healthy. My baby had lived.
I sure hope this isn't a preview of things to come. I mean, at least my baby lives and is a cute little boy but I sure hope that we don't have to go through a scare like this. I think it is weird that I had a dream like this but it obviously shows how much I am constantly worrying about this baby. Even subconsciously too I guess. This is the first dream I have every had with any of my kids that had the sex of my baby while pregnant. Maybe this dream was telling me I am going to have a little boy again... he was SO cute and I wish that sweet baby from my dream was here with me right now. But alas, I will have to wait six more months. Six more months to find out how the dream really ends.
We Can Do Hard Things– (Angie Guymon)
6 years ago
I can't imagine the anxiety that I would be feeling just like you are as well. You and little baby are in my prayers!